Support for Education
Give 10% of every online sale to your school (or organization) of choice!
Wear a Pear shoe snaps are created for parents by parents and our social mission is to provide more programming, resources, technology and opportunity for children.
It’s SO Easy!
No more fundraising drives, orders sheets, deadlines, none of that! We are parents so we want to help our schools but without worrying about another school fundraising event. That’s why we keep it simple.
Any time ANYONE orders, they can choose a school or organization from the list and 10% of their order goes straight to that organization! Easy peasy!!
Dowload and share the printable flyers HERE (flyers are both in color and black and white for easy printing):

Download printable flyers HERE
Add Your School or Child Care Organization!
Are you in charge of PTA, school fundraising, or run a daycare/pre-school? (or even just a parent who wants their school to receive funds.)
Send us your organization’s name below!
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